Commercial Disaster Recovery: Water damage

The flood has receded, but the premise is a wreck. Your mechanical and electrical assets are damp and could be beyond repair. With the right crisis management procedure, you can ensure a smooth disaster recovery experience. Fabric restoration, equipment decontamination and repair as well as insurance liaison, you need a company that can do it all.

When disaster strikes, it can be difficult to know which damage restoration procedure to prioritise in the aftermath. As a company that can provide professional commercial disaster recovery services to their contracted clients, JCW serve as first and only point of contact throughout the management of our clients in crisis. The safe recovery of salvageable work equipment is the first step towards getting their business back up and running before the clean up and restoration begins.

Not only is JCW in a position to provide both hazardous and non-hazardous cleaning services for our clients. We are also accredited for repair and maintenance services to HVAC, gas and electrical equipment and systems, we can ensure salvaged equipment are not only recovered and cleaned, but also statutorily compliant to safe working standards.

Natural or plumbing floods can cause permanent damage to your commercial premises and equipment. Damaged HVAC, gas and all electrical equipment that are essential to making a workplace statutorily compliant for staff and clients, will add to the down time of your business operations if not repaired or replaced promptly.

Some important points for the premise managers:

  • Before returning to the flooded premises, consider electrical safety. Any electrical equipment and loose wiring could pose a threat to life. In the wake of a disaster, our clients can call us for electrical safety advice. Our electrical engineers and managers receive the latest NICEIC training.

  • Insurances, if covered. Ensure all damages and loses are well documented when it is safe to do so, and before commencing any restoration works. This will make the claimant process much smoother. JCW’s national Disaster Recovery Team will assess the extent of flood damage, and be happy to liaise with our clients insurance companies directly and declaration all applicable damages and related remedial costs.

  • Restoration teams will always prioritise their existing clients. This means if you are not in contract with a remedial company, you may wish to start removing the water in attempt to prevent mold growth. Our experience and UK wide service coverage for disaster response means we can get the right equipment ready to use for our clients, such as; dehumidifier, portable fans, pumps, even buckets and mops.

If you want a professional company, experienced in disaster recovery, who you can rely on when you need them most, consider becoming a building service client to JCW by calling us today.